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Friday, September 25, 2009

Friends Reunited Dating AMDers

Faces, familiar faces, though they have changed in some way, but surely you can't miss out the glow on those faces. Wow, awesome!

Some of these guys have not seen each other since 1999, so that's about 10 years and a little more.

These former employees of AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) look so happy, not only seeing each other but actually being together, exchanging updates on how life has been treating them. Lots of stories to tell, more on the good old days rather that the current. Chit chat went on the whole night at Manong's in Alabang. Time went swiftly.

Has it been that long? How intriguing that you can vividly remember those days when we were in the manufacturing plants in Sucat, Paranaque. The atmosphere and the feelings that went with the moments were reminisced.

Life surely cannot be explained a hundred percent.

The men changed more in a way, the hair is of a different color, some salt-and-pepper and still some wearing it with a darker tint, no problem , they all look great!

The women still smells fresh I would say, with those smiles that say more than what you see. Being mothers, wives, home makers plus in-law, relative and even pet carers. No problem, the female specie is built to last, hahah.

To all the guys who were part of this reunion, more to come hopefully and take care!

From Del and Jun R., one of the busy person during the get-together party:
Thank you so much for the unexplained happiness we felt that night. We appreciate your effort to once more re-connect with each of us. May our Lord bless us more, protect and guide us so that there will be more reunions to be organized. I love you all ! See you ...
Jerry A., Jun L., Tito M. ,Joel H., Lito A., Boy V., Zenie V., Chris F., Merly F., Mhale I., Fe A., Gigi C., Erly F., Boy F., Ahlecks M., Bong O., Aqui O., Cely G., Elsie C., Eden G., Tess P., Cely S., Ross M., Mel F. , Bobby M., Boboy J., Billy V., Dionie P., Eva L., Lydia L., Liza B., Tony N., Raphy G., Marlon M., Shirley M., Vicky R., Susan V., Cristy A., Ador R. Esther M., Cora P., Chopeng G., Dongski T., Romy B., Annacella B., Allan D., Tony L., Arnel S., Marlon H.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Peaceful Children, Learn from Kids

We need not fight when we hurt each other. I just love this video (it has about 122 million views, the kids were even featured on television for an interview, after nearly a year when the clip was released).

Let's be patient with each other's shortcoming.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Service Champions, Wellcare Clinic

This particular Clinic is a "home for the aged staff". Hey, hey, wait, that's an acronym.

AGED means:

A - All service,
G - Good-hearted,
E - Energetic,
D - Dream Team

(or shall I say Deliso Dream Team?)

Go Team! Ennie (the mother hen), Adi (with the in-control attitude), Pia (the pretty babe), Heidi (with the sweet little smile), Myra (with that cute face) Nenette (with the calm look), Domeng (the reliable and dependable guy) and the good Doctor (the big boss of course). These guys have their own colorful stories to tell, personal, family and work-related).

On the service side of things, running a clinic is not that simple. Its significance is tremendous. Take a look through the simple eyes of mine. When I am there waiting for my turn to be seen by the doctor, I get to observe what is happening, just looking at the patients and the staff in their usual busy state. People exchanging conversations, papers being endorsed, supplies being prepared, forms being filled-out, doctors being informed, names being called, notes being jot down, etc. At least there's television for viewing while waiting.

In my mind, all sort of things just hang around. How do these patients feel, are they afraid of what the doctors will declare as their illness or how much this illness will cost them with all the prescribed medicines and diagnostics? How many more days needed to visit and re-visit the clinic for diagnostics and consultation? Will there be pain, bitter pills, horrifying vaccines?
This is no better than when I am in a dentist's chair, whew!

Sure wish you have friends around in times of doubt and fear. Prayers though are highly recommended. Our guardian angels are always at our side, whatever happens. Call the great healer, our Lord.

Anyway, I just want the staff to know that they have significant roles in their profession. They have that great opportunity to touch lives and be of service to others. Their good practice with a tiny smile or a caring touch can make a difference for a fearful patient (whether he or she is difficult or not to handle and please).

Happy Anniversary guys! May God shower you and the clinic more and more blessings each year. To those who are celebrating their anniversaries, whatever annual thing you have, congratulations and more success!

The patient does not care about your science; what he wants to know is, can you cure him?
Martin H. Fischer

A hospital should also have a recovery room adjoining the cashier's office.
Francis O'Walsh
Drugs are not always necessary. Belief in recovery always is.
Norman Cousins
Whoever thought up the word "Mammogram?" Every time I hear it, I think I'm supposed to put my breast in an envelope and send it to someone.
Jan King
Cancer is a word, not a sentence
John Diamond

Monday, September 21, 2009

Find Friends Online

I guess it's good to have friends aside from Ben, don't you think? Friends on-line or off-line can be a support system in one way or another. Keep your friends, keep in touch, find them, locate them, reach out.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Great Ad

You can do it!


Workshop Friends

I got so excited being a student once again. I am a retiree. It all started with a seminar, the Internet Marketing Workshop conducted by a super professor Jomar Hilario.
Through this getting together of future bloggers, I came to meet new, great, passionate and young (take note) people. Thanks!

I would like to make special mention of my partner during one of the exercises, Paul Michael. He is a unique individual, as to his dreams and plans. I wish him success.

Regards to my on-line friends . . . AB, Nathan, Rodel, Anna, Amie, Elvin, Anne, Michelle, Raynz, Ferds, Orange, Fely . . .

For the rest of my classmates, let's get in touch on-line through our blogs. Keep on blogging!

Message from Jomar . . .
Most of you know there's an online workshop club that I host that helps a lot of people create "pera" from the internet - even if they haven't attended my always fully booked workshops, specially in Manila. Since my birthday, I've decreased the price of that workshop to 50%, in celebration.

Alas that window of opportunity will now be closing. By the end of the WEEK -we'll be back to the original price.

So if you're hunting for a mentor in online "pera creation" - one who's pinoy and is willing to spill really effective secrets - step by step - with almost no jargon or technical words involved -- then at least READ this: http://www.bit.ly/getamentor. You will be refreshed to see that there are no improbable promises of Ferraris and a literal "ton of money" ("Just because you got into the Club") - but realistic and doable step by step instructions that will both teach your fingers and your mind to get your dreams using "pera" gained from the netnet. :)

Now is a good day to change your life, I suggest you act on it by reading this site and deciding to join: http://www.bit.ly/getamentor

Now live a remarkable life,
Jomar Hilario

Meeting New Friends In Malaysia

Can we have a photo souvenir guys? I seemed like a kid again. Joyfully, I threw this question to my new-found friends in Malaysia. Yup, they agreed. Got that good butterflies-in-my-stomach feeling getting to know other people at a foreign country. I was alone touring the place, so having company was most welcome.

I really wished I was with my family, but why ask too much. They can't make it due to my sudden decision to just go and they to have their own schedules and commitments to take care of.

So, I just made the most of it, trying to converse with the sweet people, even with few English words exchanged.

I discovered that happiness and excitement are indeed contagious. Meeting great people enhanced the place and my visit. Thanks!

We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can fly only by embracing each other.

Lucian de Crescenzo