I remember attending my LSS, Life in the Spirit Seminar, way back in 1995 with The Lord's Flock Catholic Community, with Father Larry Faraon. I continued making efforts to grow spiritually by pursuing my Maturing-in-the-Spirit sessions, until I had to discontinue when I transferred residence.
Feeling a certain spiritual hunger, I was kinda magnetized to Bo Sanchez (the Kerygma guy), the leader of Light of Jesus. I bought his books, magazines, his cassette tapes, watched his "Preacher-in-Blue Jeans" talk in the internet and even joined his contests. I attended his activities like seminars and pilgrimages. I attempted to join his Sunday Feasts, but failed in such an attempt.
Later, I started to attend Lector-and-Commentator seminars, requirements of the church, for I was called to be of service to the parish.
It was then that I met our parish priest (who I played tennis matches and beat in tournaments, heheh). He was an angel sent by the Lord, for he tenderly commanded that I attend an evangelization program.
Now, that is something different. Here, before me, is my "Life in the Community". We went through a series of studying the Word, entirely different from bible studies. We were dissecting the ways of the early Christians.
The program included the "Celebration of the Word" and the "Celebration of the Eucharist". It culminated in a Convivence for 3 days and 2 nights at the Sacro Costato Formation House. We even held Lauds, giving praises through singing of psalms in the morning.
My mother, being a member of a similar Neo-Cathecumenate community of her parish, was joyful about the news. I was so happy just to make her happy. She said "the Way" is not easy but it is worth "the walk" (they call it "paglalakad').
I do have my fears, fear of the unknown and the "walang-kamatayang resistance-to-change". I just trust that I shall not be walking alone.
I found myself another family in the Spirit. Yoohoo!
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