This multinational company is one that I've learned to love. I spent hours and hours, nights and days (at times with zero sleep), working. At times seems like it really isn't work 'coz it's fun and at other times, the situations are like hell, but I survived. With the hot and cold scenarios, I've discovered patience, hard-work, endurance, confidence, accomplishment, failure and Fun (with a capital F. I also found friends, very good Friends (also with a capital F).
My co-workers have changed in some ways. For some of them . . . more body bags while for some . . . more silver hairs. Others, I've been told, went to Canada or the US, some have transferred to another semiconductor company or simple resigned and have taken another career track. Though, a bigger number just stayed on with such loyalty.
So what's unusual? Nothing much I guess. It's just that time does fly so fast.